An Aerospace Consulting
Company with a Global Reach



About Us

The Padina Group, located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an aerospace consulting company and was founded by
John Walker and Michael Gallagher. 

John Walker
Mr. Walker (former FAA Senior Executive) is the co-Chairperson of the RTCA Special Committee (SC-203), which is leading the nation in developing operational concepts, and recommended standards for UAS collision avoidance and command, control, and communications.

His extensive background and executive experience with the FAA, NASA, DoD, NOAA, industry, NAS stakeholders, and other world bodies provide DFRC great insights beneficial to the project.

As the Access 5 UAS Policy Integrated Product Team lead, Mr. Walker made great strides in better opening the nation's airspace to unmanned aviation, while simultaneously assisting the FAA in establishing a nucleus of UAS support to enable further airspace access.

Walker and Gallagher, Aerospace Consulting in Lancaster, PA

Michael Gallagher
Mr. Gallagher (former FAA Senior Executive) is an executive Subject Matter Expert (SME) on aircraft airworthiness and can contribute extensive experience and insights into the aviation industry. He is also very well connected with mid-level and executive-level managers within the FAA and international regulatory bodies. He is a member of RTCA SC-203 and was involved in the Access 5 Policy IPT.

The Padina Group continues to attract highly qualified talent for specific tasks to expand our networks with senior aerospace and business development officials on many programs around the world.